La Yuca, el alimento ideal para una dieta saludable

Cassava, the ideal food for a healthy diet

Cassava, or sweet manioc, has a great nutritional value. Thanks to the amount of fiber it provides , it is considered an ally in maintaining an ideal weight.

Its high fibre content is precisely what favours digestive health . However, its properties are not limited to this factor: in fact, it has a multitude of micronutrients, which favours overall health.

In this article, we will talk about its benefits and health properties.

What is cassava?

Cassava is a tuber that is grown and consumed in tropical areas such as America and Asia. It is famous in South American cuisine and offers a great source of energy and nutrients.

Although it is a plant, its root is actually consumed. It is very similar to the potato or yam. It contains vitamin K and B vitamins (including riboflavin and pantothenic acid).

It is worth noting that there are two varieties: one is known as sweet yuca and the other bitter . The latter requires careful preparation to be suitable for consumption. It has a high percentage of cyanide (lethal poison) that cannot be digested unless it is prepared in this way.

It is estimated that it can combat great famines, since it can be cultivated even in drought scenarios.

Health benefits of cassava

This tuber has many nutrients and provides great benefits to our health. It can be included in a weight loss or weight maintenance diet as part of the diet. It should be noted that it is not a complete food, so it should be combined with a protein intake. Some of these benefits are:

It is rich in vitamins and minerals

It contains essential nutrients such as calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium , as well as B vitamins, vitamin C and K. All of this gives it benefits for bone health, making it useful in children's nutrition.

Likewise, its contribution of B vitamins favors skin health and prevents premature aging. At the same time, its benefits on blood coagulation have been proven.

Fight constipation

The contribution of fiber, water and antioxidants of this tuber benefits digestive health, as it favors intestinal transit , combating digestive disorders such as constipation.

Helps to lose weight

Eating cassava instead of processed flours allows you to eat healthily without any effort. Plus, it is fat-free.

On the other hand, cassava has a high fiber content, which provides a feeling of satiety for longer ( reducing appetite ) and avoiding the temptation to snack. Cassava is made of starch, so, combined with low-calorie foods, it will create nutritionally dense dishes that are valid for everyday use.

Easy to combine with other foods

Tapioca has a taste similar to that of potatoes, which makes it very versatile in the kitchen. You can make cassava dough to make tortillas, pizzas or bread, and it can even be used as a starter or side dish in the form of “fried potatoes or cassava chips”.

Properties of cassava

  • Fights constipation.
  • It reduces appetite, contains no fat and is a very versatile food that can be prepared in a multitude of ways.
  • It has nutrients such as vitamins C, K, B1, B2 and B5.
  • It is suitable for celiacs, as it does not contain gluten.
  • It is a food to take into account in the diet of athletes.

How should cassava be consumed?

Cassava is a root that should be consumed like potatoes, that is, cooked. However, this is very important, because only when it is properly cooked is the cyanide neutralized (both sweet and bitter cassava contain cyanide, although bitter cassava contains a greater amount).

Below we will indicate the main ways of consuming cassava.


Preparing it this way is very simple. You just have to peel the yuca and place it in boiling water for 15 to 30 minutes maximum.

Some yucas tend to soften in less than 15 minutes, while others take a little longer. Salt should be added to the water to taste. With this preparation, it can be eaten as yuca puree, yuca al mojo,


Cassava dough is made by pre-boiling the cassava. First, peel it and then put it in boiling salted water, but do not let it soften too much. Just 15 minutes. Drain it and blend it in a food processor. The result is a uniform dough that does not stick. It can be used to make tortillas, arepas (Venezuelan version), pizzas, bread, etc.


Fried cassava can be prepared without boiling, that is, it is peeled into strips or wedges like potatoes or in slices to make chips. They should be dipped in sufficiently hot oil . This preparation, although delicious, should be limited in slimming diets. Once fried, they should be drained and dried with kitchen paper to remove excess oil.


Casabe or cassava is a tortilla made with bitter cassava flour. The process is complex. It is not recommended to try it without experience because the preparation process must ensure that the cyanide is neutralized. However, this preparation is compatible with a weight loss diet and is very healthy and versatile to accompany with other foods.

Contraindications of cassava

Cassava is suitable for everyone, including children, as long as it is cooked before eating. It is important to note that sweet and bitter cassava are identical, there is no way to tell them apart at a glance.

On the other hand, it is not recommended to consume it after boiling it for more than 30 minutes if it is not softened. Cassava is generally bitter and tends to be very hard despite being boiled.

Also, if you notice a bitter or unpleasant taste, you should not eat it. Bitter cassava has high levels of cyanide or hydrocyanic acid that can cause irreparable damage to the body.

In short, cassava is an inexpensive, nutritious, versatile and delicious food that provides many health benefits. However, it must be consumed cooked to enjoy its benefits as part of a healthy diet.

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